Tumbler Workshop
Sat, March 22 | 10-12p
Pet in a Mug Workshop
Sat, April 12 | 10-12p
Handprint Vase Workshop
Sat, June 14 | 10-12p
Workshops are all $45 per person or $75 for a couple or parent/child.
Minimum class size is 3 students, maximum is 12.
HOMESCHOOL WEEK - March 3, 5, and 7
10A-12P for Grades 2nd-5th
1:00P-3:00P for Grades 6th-12th
Cost: $90 per person
Minimum class size is 3 students, maximum is 12.
6-WEEK BEGINNER COURSE - April 10, 17, 24 and May 1, 8, 15
3:30-4:30 for Grades 5th-8th
4:45-6:45 for 9th Grade to Adults
$120 for 5th-8th grade, $150 for 9th-adults
Minimum class size is 3 students, maximum is 12.
Scholarships are available for students in K-12th Grade. These are provided in part by a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission and the Solomon Lee DeVille Memorial Art Scholarship.
The mission of the Solomon Lee DeVille Memorial Art Scholarship is to give financial assistance to school-age children and youth from Carroll County for educational opportunities in the two and three dimensional visual arts programs offered by The Dixie Carter Performing Arts & Academic Enrichment Center. These would include, but are not limited to: drawing, painting, photography, pottery, etc. The scholarship can be used for class fees, student materials, and classroom supplies. The intent is to enable children to participate in the visual studio arts who would otherwise not be able to based on financial need.
For more information on scholarship applications or donations, please contact Laura at Ldeville@dixiepac.net
Hannah Kyle was born and raised in Huntingdon, TN and a graduate of Union University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design in 2015. She is married to her middle school sweetheart and has two children. They live on a little homestead where she currently creates. She fell in love with ceramics when she realized graphic design wasn’t fulfilling. She bought a wheel after her first class and hasn’t looked back since. She is largely self-taught, but has been working with clay since 2018. She is excited to share her passion for clay and the versatility of it with anyone who is interested.
In addition to instructing at mudslingers she also runs her own small business in our local Huntingdon area, creating and selling her own pottery through Hk.Studios
Lori is a native of Paris, TN, and a graduate of Union University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Ceramics having studied in France, England, and Italy. She received her Master of Fine Arts at The University of Georgia. Lori was Artist in Residence at Alfred University in Alfred, NY, a Teaching Assistant at UGA Studies Abroad Art Program in Cortona, Italy, and Assistant Professor of Ceramic Art and Art History at Union University in Jackson, TN. Lori is a former Executive Director at The Dixie Carter Performing Arts and Academic Enrichment Center and continues to create and instruct at Mudslingers. Lori resides here in Huntingdon.
Mudslingers Pottery Studio provides visual arts education programs that empower students of all ages to embrace their artistic abilities, grow and gain confidence in those abilities, and open doors to a life of creative excellence.
Mudslingers teaches introduction to basic pottery skills of pinching, coil-building, slab construction, and throwing on the potter’s wheel, as well as, an introduction to various glazing and firing processes.
Mudslingers is truly grateful for our clay sponsor, Imerys - Gleason, who has generously donated thousands of pounds of clay and glazing materials to our classes.
Imerys - Gleason is a supplier of ball clay to Laguna Clay Company, which also produces the low fire glazes used in classes at Mudslingers.
Participant Rules
Participants are expected to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class is scheduled to begin. The teacher needs time in between classes to clean and prepare for the next class.
Parents must be prompt in the pickup of their participants.
No food, gum, or drink is allowed in the studio.
Please notify the instructor if you will be missing a class. Projects that take place during your absence can not be made up.
The Dixie reserves the right to dismiss and not enroll participants for the following reasons:
Disruptive behavior
Disregard to instructions
Possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or weapons.
Disrespect to instructor
Financial account not current
Mudslingers Studio is sponsored in part by a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission. When the Tennessee Arts Commission was created in 1967, it was given a special mandate by the General Assembly to stimulate and encourage the presentation of performing, visual and literary arts throughout the state and to encourage public interest in the cultural heritage of Tennessee. Through a variety of programs, the Commission has encouraged excellence in artistic expression through the state’s artists and arts organizations. That commitment has continued to expand through the years to ensure that the citizens of Tennessee have access to, and the opportunity to participate in the arts.